Dementia Care Consulting
Has your loved one been diagnosed with a form of dementia or memory challenges? What do you do now? We can help with a conversation throughout the process.
Dementia Care Consulting
At Silver Care, our specialization is helping you to obtain support and a better quality of life. Our experiences in assisting families with people living with dementia have provided guidance and a solution to improve health and wellness.
Dementia Care Consulting
There are numerous resources on dementia care; however, determining the care plan for your loved one can be challenging. We understand the daily struggle you face, in addition to other life stressors. Our approach to providing care plans has proven life-changing for Silver Care clients.
Numerous studies report that caring for a person with dementia is more stressful than caring for someone with a physical disability. Successful interventions can improve caregivers’ well-being. Caregiver interventions have been known to increase a caregiver’s knowledge, improve mood, reduce stress and depression levels, and delay nursing home placement.

Erica D. Jones, Ph.D., CDP
Certified Dementia Practitioner
How Dementia Care Consulting Can Help You
We provide EPIC support to you and your loved ones. Our goal is to help others preserve the quality of life for those living with dementia and their caretakers. We do this through our four-pillar approach of Education, Planning, Intervention, and Coaching.
Individual Education will help you understand the stages of dementia and the progression process and prepare for the following steps. Educate family/friends/caregivers on various dementia topics.
AI Tool to assist caregivers in helping improve the quality of care, monitoring behavior reactions, triggers, and interventions. The AI Tool can reduce unnecessary psychotropic medication and unnecessary hospitalization.
Nutrition Planning/Preventive Care is to encourage self-care, recipes, and meal planning for people living with dementia and their caregivers. Inform you of foods that are beneficial for a healthy brain
(DEP) Dementia Engagement Partner will come into your home to assist your loved one with discovering the interests of the person living with dementia. Create a plan with purposeful activities, enjoyment, and mobility. Training the family to learn to care for a person with dementia to understand their social and relational engagement. Provide respite care to the family by using meaningful connections while the family can have time away.
Home Environment Planning will conduct a tour of your home to help provide suggestions for a safe environment for people living with dementia.
Forming a Team is essential as you care for someone living with dementia. It takes a village and the right resources to involve a physician, legal counsel, financial planning, and medical and caregiving options.
Monthly Coaching Support that will go with you through your journey by identifying, recognizing, and validating your thoughts and feelings of the family/caregiver and the person living with dementia. We will coach you on communication, identifying triggers, and reactive behaviors—measure improvements in caregivers’ depressive symptoms for a better quality of life.
To allow you to receive help from wherever you are, and without limitations, our consultations are offered by phone or virtually to accommodate your needs.
Are You Ready?
Schedule a 15-minute complimentary phone consultation
Silver Care researches the latest news and innovative technology to assist with a better quality of life.
You can also select a complimentary consult to discuss the following:
Tap Root Ella an AI-powered digital assistant, to improve care for persons with cognitive deficits. Select the link below for additional information
How to be a part of the New IDEAS Study. This study is to bring awareness to people, specifically African American/Black and Hispanic/Latino individuals. New IDEAS is a nationwide research study for people dealing with memory loss. The study includes a safe, noninvasive FDA-approved brain scan called an amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) scan. Select the link for additional information.